acupuncture Services
Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve its functioning. This is done by inserting fine needles at very precise points on the body. These points lie on channels of Qi, defined as energy or the body’s vital life force that sustains and regulates all of its functions. It is only because of Qi energy that we can move, breathe, digest food, think, and even feel. Our mental, emotional, and physical health—as well as our constitutional inheritance —impacts our Qi’s health.

Emotions have a powerful effect on our mind and body. Under normal circumstances, emotions are not the cause of disease. Emotions are natural physiological processes that help with processing of our feelings and thoughts.
However, excessive, prolonged, and suppressed feelings can cause patterns of disharmony and disease. There are seven main emotions that we look at in Chinese Medicine: joy, anger, sadness, grief, pensiveness, fear, and fright.

Pain is a natural part of life and even helps us realize when something is wrong. Our nerves send pain signals from the injured area to your brain to let you know you’re hurt. And while it is natural, that does not mean we should have to live in pain when there are peaceful ways to find relief. We’ll work with you to not only treat the source of your pain, but bring relief to any part of the body experiencing stress as a reaction to the pain.

Insomnia is one of the most common diseases in modern society, the main characteristics of the patients were difficulty in falling asleep at night and/or failure to maintain effective sleep after falling asleep. It can lead to early awakening, short sleep, heavy sleeplessness, dreaming, poor sleep quality, and working hours after waking up, causes a series of negative emotions, such as fatigue, inefficiency, cognitive decline, social interaction, tension, and anxiety, which affect social harmony and stability. Acupuncture works at reducing Insomnia by helping restore balance to the bodies energy usage as well as quieting the background chatter in your mind to allow easier sleep.
Menstrual cramping

Painful menstrual cycles are something thousands of women endure monthly. Some experience mild discomfort in the form of cramps, others battle migraines, and many get nausea and dizziness.
For the most part, women resort to pain medication or contraceptive pills to help combat these painful periods. However, there are natural alternatives that don’t involve flooding the body with medication. Acupuncture is a powerful ancient Chinese practice that involves stimulating specific parts of the body using tiny needles.
Studies have found that using acupuncture as a treatment can help lessen the intensity of PMS and cramps, and combat the symptoms of:

The ancient art of acupuncture has been used in Asia for centuries to treat many conditions and relieve pain. It's now being used in Canada and around the world to ease everything from low back pain, to nerve pain (such as painful shingles rashes), to headaches, fibromyalgia, and menstrual cramps — and more.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine needles into the skin at specific "acupoints." This may relieve pain by releasing endorphins, the body's natural pain-killing chemicals, and by affecting the part of the brain that governs serotonin, a brain chemical involved with mood.
low energy

Through the lens of traditional Chinese Medicine, there are many possible patterns that can cause fatigue and low energy. In general, fatigue is seen as an imbalance in the body. When the body is brought back into balance, the pain disappears. From the time-tested 2,000 year old healing tradition of Chinese Medicine, we have several modalities and treatment approaches that can help to improve your energy levels.
woman's health

Choosing to make your health a priority is one of the best choices you can make in your life. With a healthy mind and body, you can accomplish just about anything. Even knowing that, women too often put their health and needs lower down on the priority list than they should, choosing to put others before themselves. However, we believe putting yourself first, making you a priority, is the ultimate act of love. We are here to assist you in placing your health at the top of our priority list.